tighten skin under the chin

Women spend about $313 every month on their appearance. That’s a staggering total of $225,360 throughout a lifetime! Much of this cost goes towards figuring out “how to tighten skin under the chin?”

Improper guidance can lead to the wrong procedure resulting in an undesirable outcome. If done right, this can boost self-esteem and confidence. If you want to enhance your look, keep reading to explore procedures to stop a saggy neck.


Liposuction is popular for those seeking to redefine their jawline. In this procedure, a surgeon uses a microcannula to remove fat. Then they reshape the jawline and skin to avoid future sagging.

It’s performed under general anesthesia, so make sure you have someone to drive you home. Recovery can last a few days to weeks.

Neck or Face Lift

Neck lifts (lower rhytidectomy) and face lifts offer another approach to skin tightening. Both surgeries need anesthesia and involve:

  • Removing fats
  • Tightening muscles
  • Rearranging the skin

The goal is to enhance the shape of your jawline or face. Another option is Neckband surgery. This combines neck liposuction, facelift, and neck lift to reduce sagging.

Chin Implants

Chin augmentation with implants addresses loose skin under the chin. It places a custom-shaped implant fitted to your jaw.

This reduces a “turkey neck” appearance and upper neck sagging. The procedure is quick and offers immediate results.


This FDA-approved treatment uses ultrasound technology to stimulate natural collagen production. This improves skin appearance, making it more firm, supple, and young. Doctors perform this on the face, neck, chin, and chest.

A session last between 30 to 90 minutes. Some practitioners combine Ultherapy with Botox injections for better results.

Kybella Injections

Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that helps remove fat under the chin. It contains deoxycholic acid, which breaks down fat cells. This allows the body to get rid of them.

Each treatment lasts between 15 to 20 minutes and 82% of patients report long-term improvements in their appearance.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are one of the most common non-surgical facelift options available. It contains hyaluronic acid, which practitioners inject into the neck and chin. This helps reduce sagging and enhances the jawline.

Besides the immediate filling effect, it also boosts collagen production. This supports your skin’s firmness and elasticity over time.

Thermage Jawline Tightening

This non-invasive procedure uses heat and radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production. You will need many sessions to achieve and maintain optimal results.


Retinol, a vitamin A derivative, accelerates cell turnover and boosts collagen production. It is FDA-approved for treating and preventing wrinkles.

Prolonged sun exposure can speed up skin aging. You can use this with sunscreen to guard against potential sun damage.


Microneedling enhances skin repair and collagen production. This process involves rolling tiny needles over the skin’s surface to promote rejuvenation.

Combining this with a face roller increases lymphatic drainage and blood flow. It can help lift saggy skin and reduce puffiness and discoloration.

Neck Exercises

A cost-free way to tighten the skin is through targeted neck exercises. These exercises can help stretch and strengthen the platysma muscle in your neck. This will improve the appearance of your chin and jawline.

Hot Massage

Getting a hot massage can do wonders for the skin under your chin. The heat triggers collagen formation, causing the skin to tighten and retract. It can also repair wrinkles and dryness, leaving your skin moisturized and supple.

Weight Management

Weight gain can stretch your skin, and fast weight loss can leave you sagging. If you’re concerned about this, then managing your weight can help prevent stretching.

Cucumber Pastes

Cucumber pastes are a natural remedy for loose and worn skin. They are moisturizing and hydrating, which helps revitalize skin cells. This can make your skin look tighter, fuller, and plumper.

Skin Tightening Cosmetic Creams

Wrinkle-lift skin creams contain potent revitalizing and firming vitamins and minerals. These creams improve the skin’s elasticity and reduce those saggy appearances.

Drink Mineral Water

Imbalances can cause premature aging, which manifests as wrinkles and sagging skin. Mineral water helps restore the chemical balance within your body. It regulates the hormones and tightens the skin under the chin.

Balanced Diet

Fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, and salads can contribute to healthier skin. It does this by replenishing your body’s vitamins. It’s a gradual remedy, but consistency can yield significant results.

Banana Peel Neck Mask

Bananas are rich in antioxidants and lutein, which promote cell elasticity and strength. A banana peel neck mask can benefit the skin under the chin. You can find these masks in beauty stores or even try making one at home.

Understanding the Double Chin

The double chin has a medical name, called the submental fullness. It often leads to the constant search for skin tightening treatments.

This condition can arise due to aging, genetics, or weight gain. It is due to fat accumulation under the chin.

Why Does Chin & Neck Skin Change So Fast?

Dermatologists equate the lower face to an inverted triangle in younger individuals. This changes with age as the body produces less collagen and elastin. This often flips the triangle.

As we age, sagging skin and fat accumulation can make the lower half of the face appear wider. This causes the formation of a double chin.

Tighten Skin Under the Chin: Achieve Your Beauty Goals

There are various options available to tighten your skin. From hot massages and cucumber pastes to dermal fillers and ultrasound technology. What’s vital is knowing that each method comes with advantages and considerations.

Exploring these options and finding the proper method can revitalize your appearance. After all, every journey to tighten skin under the chin begins with an informed decision. Check out our procedures to achieve your beauty goals today.