Types of Fat
Visceral fat: Visceral, or deep, fat is found around the abdominal organs such as the stomach, intestines, and liver. Visceral fat results in health issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure or cholesterol, and diabetes or stroke. This type of fat cannot be removed with liposuction.
The good news is that losing visceral fat can greatly improve your health. If you are already getting in at least 30 minutes of moderately intense, fat-burning exercise five days a week, along with weight training, you are on your way to shedding visceral fat. Of course, your exercise routine should be combined with a low-fat diet.
Subcutaneous fat: Unlike visceral fat, subcutaneous fat is located right under the skin. For example, if you lay down, face-up, your subcutaneous abdominal fat will be any excess that prevents your abdomen from being completely flat. It is also the fat that can be measured with calipers to determine your body fat levels. Although this type of fat does not present any health risks, it does affect your appearance. Subcutaneous fat is often the most difficult to respond to positive changes in exercise and diet, and it can be removed with liposuction.
Liposuction Technique
For a liposuction, Dr. Deuber will make a series of small incisions in the areas targeted for fat removal. He will then use a thin, hollow, metal tube to vacuum out the fat. In some cases, he may also use ultrasound or low-level lasers to help break up the fat cells, making them easier to remove. He may also use a special technique, known as tumescent liposuction, in which he will inject a combination of a topical anesthetic and epinephrine just below the skin in the areas where fat will be removed. This will cause the fat to swell and move closer to the skin’s surface, also making it easier to remove.
You have put a tremendous amount of time and effort into improving your health, including getting into better shape. Liposuction can provide that finishing touch you need to reach your final fat loss goals.